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5 Benefits of Custom Orthotics

When you think of orthotics, do you picture those prepackaged shoe inserts on the shelf at your drugstore? While those are technically orthotics, they represent only the tip of the iceberg. There are many different types, styles, sizes, and purposes of orthotics, and they can be a highly effective part of your orthopedic treatment plan.

Our team of orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine physicians, and pain management specialists at The Woodlands Sports Medicine Centre in The Woodlands, Texas, custom-designs orthotics for our patients based on their unique needs. Our orthotics support body parts that have been injured or weakened.

And orthotics aren’t just for your shoes. They can take the form of braces and supports for your ankles, knees, wrists, hands, hips, neck, or spine as well. Here’s how orthotics can help you.

1. Orthotics help relieve pain

When your joints are stiff from arthritis, if you’re recovering from an injury, or if you’ve just had surgery, you’re probably in some pain. Medications and therapies can help relieve that pain, but you may not automatically think about orthotics as a way to alleviate discomfort. We do.

Whether you need extra support in your shoes to ease the pain in your feet or braces to add support for other joints in your body, you might be surprised at the relief custom orthotics offer when you have:

With the pain gone, you move more freely and participate in the activities you love.

2. Orthotics are removable 

We understand that aesthetics matter, even when you’re in pain. Fortunately, most of our foot orthotics fit inside your shoes (even your fancy ones) so no one will know you’re wearing them.

If you need a brace on your leg, hip, or arm, hiding it isn’t as easy. But these orthotics are removable, so you can take them off for a short time and put them back on later if you need to.

3. Orthotics help prevent injuries

Extra support for your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and wrists can significantly reduce your risk of further injuries, including fractures and sprains. In your shoes, orthotics provide a stable surface that supports the motions of your feet and legs, and orthotics on your joints can protect you from strains or overextension. 

4. Orthotics allow you to be more active

Whether you wear them in your shoes or on your body, orthotics give you the pain relief and confidence you need to get back on track with your workouts and physical therapy. 

You know that maintaining a healthy weight is critical to your health (and your recovery, if you’ve been injured), but sometimes a weak limb or a painful joint stops you in your tracks. And if you have a foot deformity, you may be limited in what you can do. Custom orthotics allow you to walk or run without risk of discomfort or injury.

5. Orthotics fit you perfectly

When we prescribe your custom orthotics, we carefully consider your entire musculoskeletal system, the kind of shoes you wear, your activity goals, and any health conditions you’re experiencing.

Custom orthotics are designed to fit your body — and your body alone. Even our shoe inserts are precisely fitted and help you overcome complex foot conditions. You can’t get that with over-the-counter products.

Orthotics can address a long list of conditions, including arthritis, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, sprains, scoliosis, and back pain. To find out if custom orthotics are the right solution for you, call us or book an appointment online today.

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