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Tips for Recovering From a Fracture

Tips for Recovering From a Fracture

Recovering from a fracture has a significant impact on your life. Also known as breaking a bone, a fracture is always a serious injury. Which bone or bones you broke will also have a significant impact on your recovery time.

Bone fractures vary in severity, but most of them require treatment. All broken bones should be checked out by a doctor to determine the best course of action. Our providers at The Woodlands Sports Medicine Centre, located in The Woodlands, Texas, explain more about bone fractures and how you can make life easier while you recover.

Treatment of bone fractures

The most common treatment for bone fractures is to reset the bone, which sometimes requires surgery. Failure to reset a broken bone can mean that the bone can heal improperly. You’re also at an increased risk of infection and other complications such as blood clots and damage to the surrounding tissue.

Once the bone is put back into place, you will likely need to wear a cast or splint for 6-8 weeks. We usually take X-rays during the healing process to make sure that the bone is healing properly. 

Recovering from a fracture

You may find it more difficult to do some of your daily routines, depending on which bone(s) you broke. Steps you can take to help you during recovery include:

Rearrange your home

Your home is most likely not designed for someone with limited mobility. You’ll need someone to help you rearrange or clean up your space. Make sure there’s a clear pathway through all rooms that will allow you to maneuver if you’re on crutches.

Have someone else prepare meals

If you normally have to prepare meals for yourself or others, you’ll likely need help after a bone fracture. If possible, ask for others in your household to assist you. If you live alone, take people up on their offers to help or ask them to bring you a meal. Plan on preparing small, easy-to-make meals for yourself as well.


You’ll want to get our team’s permission before beginning to exercise, but in most cases, exercise helps your healing process. Exercise improves blood flow to the fracture site, rebuilds the muscles around it, and can help speed up the healing process.

Opt for physical therapy

Physical therapy is a crucial component for recovery after a fracture. Physical therapy not only helps you to regain strength and function, but it can also decrease any pain after the fracture. You may find physical therapy a bit uncomfortable at first, but it’s important to push through it. 

Physical therapy restores full function to the once-fractured limb, including increasing your range of motion. You’ll rebuild strength and eventually get back to using all your limbs again.

If you’ve recently fractured a bone, it’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed. Our expert providers at The Woodlands Sports Medicine Centre can help you get back to feeling like yourself again. You may first need treatment in the emergency room but call us for follow-up care. Contact us today or request an appointment online.

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