Tips for Working Out When You Have a Knee Injury

As the largest joint in the body, your knee joint is subjected to lots of stress and strain throughout an average day, and even more strain during workouts. Since we rely so much on our knees, it’s no wonder injuries are so common.
Like other orthopedic injuries, knee injuries can take a toll on your level of mobility and quality of life. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to maintain a healthy lifestyle while making accommodations for injuries and discomfort.
At The Woodlands Sports Medicine Centre in The Woodlands, Texas, our team helps women and men enjoy their active lifestyles while protecting their knees from additional injury and pain. In this post, learn some important tips that can help you stay active despite a bothersome knee injury.
Consult our team
If you have a knee injury or knee pain, it’s imperative to speak with our team before embarking on any activity that could lead to more strain on your knee joint.
During your visit, we assess your symptoms and evaluate the health of your knee, then help tailor an exercise and activity plan focused on your specific needs, helping you stay active while reducing your risk of further injury.
Don’t skip the warm-up
Warming up might seem like a bother, especially when you just want to jump in and start working out. But warming up prepares your joints and muscles for added activity, preventing strain that can lead to more pain and even more injuries.
Listen to your body
Your body provides lots of clues about your knees. If you feel pain during or immediately after your workout routine, it’s a clear sign you’re overdoing it. Modifying your routine can help, but it’s also a good idea to consider scheduling an appointment to have your knee evaluated.
Fill up on RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
RICE, a time-tested therapy for many types of knee injuries, may be used on its own or in combination with other treatments. Resting your knee gives it time to heal while relieving irritation. Using an ice pack, elevating your knee, and wearing a compression garment or bandage help reduce inflammation and provide extra support for your joint.
Modify workouts
Speaking of modifying your workouts, sometimes a simple change in your routine is all it takes to decrease strain and stress on your knee joint. For instance, if you run, consider avoiding asphalt and choosing a trail instead. Or adopt a slower pace that puts less demands on your knees.
Avoid activities involving squatting or deep knee bends and anything that requires a lot of jumping. Instead, focus on low-impact activities.
Focus on strength and range of motion
Look for activities, like resistance band exercises and leg lifts, that strengthen your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles. These muscles help stabilize your knee joint, which could help reduce your risk of injury in the future. Flexibility exercises can help improve knee function too.
Get the right shoes
Footwear that fits properly and is tailored for your activity plays a critical role in absorbing shock and strain. Be sure your footwear offers plenty of support and cushioning, and swap out your shoes at the first sign of wear.
Without prompt, proper care and medical treatment, even a minor knee injury can quickly worsen and cause serious mobility problems. To tailor a treatment plan that’s focused on improving your knee health and function, call 281-374-2273 or use our online booking tool to set up an appointment at The Woodlands Sports Medicine Centre today.
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